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Dive Right In: Learn Storefront SDK The Fun Way!

Hi there! We’ll be diving into the Storefront SDK by building a calendar together. It's a fun and practical way to learn as we go. So, without wasting any time, let’s jump right in!


To initialize the SDK, first, we need the SDK itself!
Add the SDK CDN to your project. You can just copy this snippet and include it in your project:

<script async src=""></script

Now we need to create an instance of the SDK. I’ll create a main.js file:

let SDKInstance = new SesamiSDK({
variantId: {{}},
shopId: {{}},
productId: {{}},
quantity: 1,
autoLoad: true

Store the SDKInstance in a place you can access easily. In my case, I’ll store it in window.sesamiSDK:

window.sesamiSDK = SDKInstance;

Rendering The Calendar

Each SDK instance includes a data object. You can find a sample dataset here.

Object Structure

The object has a data property with the following structure:

labelsArray<Date>An array of Date objects.
rowsArray<Array<SesamiDayObject>>A 2D array containing SesamiDayObject arrays.


Here’s an example of what the data property might look like:

labels: [Sun Dec 05 2021 00:00:00 {}, Mon Nov 29 2021 00:00:00 {}, ...],
rows: [
date: Sun Nov 28 2021 00:00:00 {}
getAvailabilities: async ƒ ()
isCurrentMonth: false
isCurrentWeek: false
isPast: true
isToday: false

We use the labels to render the label section of the calendar like this:


like this

// helper
const dayName = (date) =>
new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { weekday: "short" }).format(date); => {
calendarLabels.innerHTML += `<li >${dayName(new Date(dateString))}</li>`;

We use rows to generate the days of the calendar like this:


Each array in rows represents a row and contains the days for that row.

Day Object Structure

dateDateRepresents the date for this day.
getAvailabilities()Async FunctionReturns a promise that resolves to an array of available slots: Promise<Array<SesamiSlotObject>>.
isCurrentMonthBooleanIndicates if this day is within the same month as the currently set date.
isCurrentWeekBooleanIndicates if this day is within the same week as the currently set date.
isPastBooleanIndicates if this day is in the past.
isTodayBooleanIndicates if this day is today.
onLoad(callback)FunctionThe callback function receives cell availabilities for the currently selected range; requires autoLoad to be enabled. This method triggers a network request only if the data is not already available.
onError(callback)FunctionThe callback function receives any errors when retrieving cell availabilities for the selected range.
// Initialize an empty object to store all availabilities
let allAvailabilities = {};

// Helper function to convert a date to ISO string format (YYYY-MM-DD)
const toIso = (date) => date.toISOString().split("T")[0];

// Process each row in the Sesami SDK data, rowIndex) => {
row.forEach(async (day) => {
// Determine the CSS class based on whether the day is in the past
const className = day.isPast ? "inactive" : "active";

// Create and configure a new list item element for the day
const dayElement = document.createElement("li");
dayElement.className = className;
dayElement.textContent = getDayNumber(new Date(;

// Append the day element to the container for days

// Fetch availabilities for the day and store them
try {
const availabilities = await day.getAvailabilities();
const isoDate = toIso(new Date(;
allAvailabilities[isoDate] = availabilities;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching availabilities for ${}:`, error);

// Add a click event listener to handle day selection
dayElement.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (!day.isPast) {
selectDay(day, allAvailabilities);

Getting Availabilities

Now that we’ve rendered our days and stored availabilities, it’s time to render available slots! Before that, let’s look at the slot structure.

Slot Object Structure

durationNumberThe duration of the slot in minutes.
remainingSlotsNumberThe number of slots remaining.
startTimeStringThe start time of the slot in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" format.
statusStringThe availability status of the slot.


duration: 15
remainingSlots: 1
startTime: "2022-12-30 10:00"
status: "available"

You can render the availabilities in a drop down and store the selected slot

Including Extra Data

There are two types of data you can attach to the booking request:

  1. SesamiCustomerObject (required)
  2. SesamiOptionsObject (optional)

SesamiCustomerObject Structure

emailCustomer email
firstNameCustomer first name.John
lastNameCustomer last name.Smith
phoneCustomer phone number.+12223333333

SesamiOptionsObject Format

The customer object contains a property named properties, which is an array of objects with the following format:



name: "How old are you?"
value: "18"
name: "Marital Status"
value: "Single"


now you can book an event using SDK instant and the data you gathered

await, customerObject, optionsObject);

Hold On!

There’s much more to the SDK than what we've covered. This document aimed to simplify the workflow and help you achieve results quickly while giving you a foundational understanding of how the SDK works. To fully utilize the SDK, you’ll need additional methods, such as next, previous, and more. You can explore these and other features in the Storefront SDK documentation.